Thank YOU for visiting the JAGged Edge Boutique! We are so excited that you are here!
We hope you will enjoy our stories, ideas and craft products for sale. We are not just here to make a buck, this is our passion. The profits made from our crafts will be used in numerous ways…of course we will be using some to buy more crafting supplies, then there are some charities that will benefit from our sales (Hope Aid International and The Future Hope Project), and also some life events that we are looking forward to…(J) Baby #2, (A) Adoption, & (G) Wedding Bliss! You will find a PayPal link under each craft item posted for sale, if you see something you can’t live without just click that link to purchase. From there you can give us your info and any personalization details or requests you have. Thank you again for helping us on this adventure, we hope you enjoy it as much as we are!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Come with Baggage

I've been diggin' the fabric bags of late.

{...wait..did I just say diggin'?! It must be that conversation I had with my cousin earlier today about divans and commodes. I think my brain went over yonder and hasn't made it back yet.}

I'm excited about all the new inspiration that has come from the rise of vintage styles. It's in these moments that I wished my grandparents had been uber pack rats and saved all the 'good' stuff. You know, the 'good' stuff that would totally need to be redone to have the style of vintage rather than thrift store garbage? MmmmHmmmm. THAT good stuff! Oh, I love me some of that good stuff!

Anyway-back to the topic in hand. Some of the new hand bag designs throw me back to a time that I have only ever thought of. The time of our grandmothers. When pointed toes, stiletto heels, and ballet flats reached new peaks of popularity. Which was also the years of Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland's birth.

Now where would we, ladies, be without Cinderella and Alice?

I have several bag designs that I've been wanting to give a go. Some have been inspired by our grandmother's era, but so far have only taken the time to work on one of the designs. It varied between the couple of bags that I have made with this design, since I am going by a pattern that I made-rather than a purchased or copied pattern. You can see the slight differences below.

I have 3 more in the making and 2 of those are for a couple of little cuties. I'll be excited to share those when the time comes.

BUT for today, I wanted to share the couple I have made previously.

These have already sold, but let's do talk about your fabric choices. :)

all prices include shipping

JAG Signature.Abbie

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